Writer. Journalist. Roadie. Political Pundit. Vicious Misanthrope.
Lover of Freedom, the Bill of Rights and
Proud Member of the ACLU.
Worshipper of the late Dr Hunter S Thompson, whose voice is painfully missed during these dark days of The Prodigal Idiot Son Dubya. Doc, we're trying to pick up the slack.
Stock up on the whiskey and guns, break out the sheep, and settle in and enjoy the ride.
Location: Somerville, Massachusetts, United States
I am 42 years old and an unapologetic card-carrying member of the ACLU and a Massachusetts Liberal, albeit one tempered with NH pragmatism and an edgy punk/industial/goth ethic. No hugging trees and wearing Birkenstocks or singing kumbaya for me. I am constantly amazed and bemused by the sheer idiocy of those running the world and firmly believe, to cop a phrase from my idol the late Dr Hunter S Thompson, that they need to be beaten like egg-sucking dogs.
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