Wednesday, June 20, 2007
About Me
- Name: Stevie Z
- Location: Somerville, Massachusetts, United States
I am 42 years old and an unapologetic card-carrying member of the ACLU and a Massachusetts Liberal, albeit one tempered with NH pragmatism and an edgy punk/industial/goth ethic. No hugging trees and wearing Birkenstocks or singing kumbaya for me. I am constantly amazed and bemused by the sheer idiocy of those running the world and firmly believe, to cop a phrase from my idol the late Dr Hunter S Thompson, that they need to be beaten like egg-sucking dogs.
Previous Posts
- "It's the Constitutions, Stupid...."
- The Idiocy Remains The Same
- Stonewall
- "Karma, Interrupted"
- "And the band played on...."
- The Screws Turn Tighter....
- The Empire Strikes Back
- More on Specter & Santorum
- The Die is Cast
- Smackdown Time at the OK Corral
"And now a word from my sponsors"
Steve's List of Recommended Books
Steve's Musical Recommendations
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