Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Empire Strikes Back

White House Spokesmouth Tony Snow said essentially that if Congress issues subpoenas for LaughingBoy et al, it means they rejected the White House's offer and they are taking their ball and going home.

Finally, a couple of reporters have nailed Snow down about the question of whether or not there was a crime committed and the term "stonewalling" has been used. It's about friggin' time.

Oh, one other point- it's now come up that in the release of records by the White House, there's a mysterious 18 day gap where there were no emails.

Right. No emails were sent at all. Please, while you're down there yanking, could you maybe lick it a little too?

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Blogger Stevie Z said...

If you've got nothing to hide, why the gap and redactions?

Ummmm, well, because they DO have something to hide, silly.

What's fascinating is how Cheney was involved in Watergate and once again, he's involved in another scandal which may well lead to another impeachment getting underway. That's a pretty amazing record and suggests that perhaps Mr Cheney's views upon the balance of power are a bit off....

12:40 PM  

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