It's getting pretty fucking crowded under the bus.
My oh my. I hit the road for a few days and all hell breaks loose. I'm en route to Colorado for work and have limited internet access; just at night in my hotel. It seems a thing or two's been happening.
First off, I came across this amazing exchange of Fox between talking head Shep Smith and Bill Kristol, one of those Bush dick-sucking neocons from this group "Project for a New American Century".
Ok, now I reamed Fox a new one the other day but snaps to Shep Smith for taking Kristol out to the woodshed and putting a hollow-point .357 right into his fucking brain, and in the process also taking out the Prodigal Idiot Son President and exposing him as a no-balls poseur more concerned about politics than doing what's right.
If the stakes weren't so deadly, this would have made me giggle. {youtube video} Instead, it makes me ill that Smith is dead fucking on. This isn't about what's right or wrong or best for our country, it's about the election and retaining power.
You can bet Karl Rove had a stroke watching this. All Fat Boy's carefully-laid plans just got blown to hell by an insider. I can't wait to hear how they now try to smear Smith.
And I want to see how the mothers and fathers of those who are serving in Iraq will react when they realize how El Presidente is using with their children's lives as a political tool.
By the way, Baghdad's been under a near-constant curfew for almost a week now and they're still blowing things up and killing people. Yes sir, Mr President- mission accomplished!
Oh yes, only one more month until the election.
And in the main event, Condee Rice has now also been tossed under the bus in Bob Woodward's new book. According to Woodward, on July 10 2001 George Tenet warned Rice that an Al Qaeda attack inside the US was imminent.
Rice says she can't recall ever having been told this. However, Cofer Black, the then CIA's top counterterror officer, was also present and backs Tenet's story.
But it gets better. Oh yes it does. John Ashcroft, who was Attorney General, is now openly voicing his... unhappiness... that neither Tenet nor Rice told him about this, given that at the time, domestic anti-terrorism fell under his purview.
Good goddamn, the only person not tossed under the bus is Dick Cheney. It will ultimately be very hysterical if he's the only one to survive this whole mess. Then again, he's so wily and evil, it wouldn't surprise me if this is precisely how he planned this all along.
Tags: Shep Smith Bill Kristol Karl Rove mid-term elections Iraq Fox GOP George Tenet Bob Woodward Condee Rice 9/11 Dick Cheney John Ashcroft
First off, I came across this amazing exchange of Fox between talking head Shep Smith and Bill Kristol, one of those Bush dick-sucking neocons from this group "Project for a New American Century".
Ok, now I reamed Fox a new one the other day but snaps to Shep Smith for taking Kristol out to the woodshed and putting a hollow-point .357 right into his fucking brain, and in the process also taking out the Prodigal Idiot Son President and exposing him as a no-balls poseur more concerned about politics than doing what's right.
If the stakes weren't so deadly, this would have made me giggle. {youtube video} Instead, it makes me ill that Smith is dead fucking on. This isn't about what's right or wrong or best for our country, it's about the election and retaining power.
You can bet Karl Rove had a stroke watching this. All Fat Boy's carefully-laid plans just got blown to hell by an insider. I can't wait to hear how they now try to smear Smith.
And I want to see how the mothers and fathers of those who are serving in Iraq will react when they realize how El Presidente is using with their children's lives as a political tool.
By the way, Baghdad's been under a near-constant curfew for almost a week now and they're still blowing things up and killing people. Yes sir, Mr President- mission accomplished!
Oh yes, only one more month until the election.
And in the main event, Condee Rice has now also been tossed under the bus in Bob Woodward's new book. According to Woodward, on July 10 2001 George Tenet warned Rice that an Al Qaeda attack inside the US was imminent.
Rice says she can't recall ever having been told this. However, Cofer Black, the then CIA's top counterterror officer, was also present and backs Tenet's story.
But it gets better. Oh yes it does. John Ashcroft, who was Attorney General, is now openly voicing his... unhappiness... that neither Tenet nor Rice told him about this, given that at the time, domestic anti-terrorism fell under his purview.
Good goddamn, the only person not tossed under the bus is Dick Cheney. It will ultimately be very hysterical if he's the only one to survive this whole mess. Then again, he's so wily and evil, it wouldn't surprise me if this is precisely how he planned this all along.
Tags: Shep Smith Bill Kristol Karl Rove mid-term elections Iraq Fox GOP George Tenet Bob Woodward Condee Rice 9/11 Dick Cheney John Ashcroft
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Hello Stevie and all,
The time has arrived to think outside of the box, or else...
I know that many have chosen to write me off as some sort of a quack over the last three years. Now that this country and world have sunk to new lows and many of the things I've warned about have occurred, perhaps fewer will be so quick to scoff at things they don't understand. Neither religious followers nor secularists have been 100% correct and most have been dead wrong about much. Perhaps now more will seek true wisdom and cooperate for the good of all before the Bush-Cheney-Vatican cabal revives the dark ages and puts you all in theological torture camps. Remember that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
Understanding and fixing the failings of politics and democracy for the benefit of everyone, everywhere
Politics is little more than greed, arrogance, falsehood, hero-worship, and injustice taken to extremes and organized into teams (nations, parties, interest groups, etc). It is the struggle for your group, hero, and viewpoint so you can profit at the expense of others. This forces others to do the same in self-defense, causing an endless loop, downward spiral, and no-gain effect. When money, religion, and politics are intermingled, they form a true inescapable trap or bottomless pit. It is the opposite of compassion, cooperation, justice, and wisdom and causes you to expend dramatically more effort, time, and resources than necessary to achieve lesser results than are possible when you simply cooperate and have compassion, empathy, and charity for each other. Harmony and cooperation are on the perfect path, while politics, religion and money are ignorance, strong lies, strong delusion, and utter folly.
The primary, though hidden, purpose of politics is to effectively divide and conquer populations who support and participate in these great delusions. Politics serves to dramatically slow and confound progress towards common and common-sense goals that most people want to achieve. This is one of the reasons why major problems persist for centuries. When people finally cooperate to solve problems for the good of all, problems will finally be solved and stay solved. On the other hand, participating in and supporting politics causes problems to persist and even to reappear later, though they were apparently solved previously. Because of the ability of those who also control money and religion to reverse past progress and prevent true cooperation, politics is a great deception and a trap and the opposite of truth, wisdom, and justice.
There is no true freedom nor freewill in the presence of such pervasive and institutionalized deception and exploitation. People have struggled for millennia trying to form working societies based on these three great follies. Those efforts always eventually fail because the inherent injustice and deception at the root of these concepts always leads to chaos and destruction. How long must it take before verifiable wisdom is finally valued over such long-term and self-evident folly? How much longer will it take for good people to grow tired of such obvious lies and turn away from deceptive leaders and their deceptions?
Remember the sayings:
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good [people] do nothing."
We are all trapped in a web of deception woven with money, religion, and politics. The great evils that bedevil us all will never cease until humanity finally awakens, shakes off these strong delusions, and forges a path... to the future.
...and here...
Here is Wisdom!!
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