Saturday, September 23, 2006

Bin Ladin dead?

The newswires are burning up with reports that Osama Bin Ladin died earlier this month in Pakistan of typhoid. These are based upon a confidential French document based upon unnamed Saudi intelligence sources.

More as updates come in. But right now, based upon the lack of a press release by Al Qaeda glorifying "the death of a martyr", officials are highly skeptical.



Blogger Vigilante said...

The veracity of this report is in doubt. Other than that, the question has to be asked:

cui bono? The two questions arise:

1. Who benefits from continued suppression of this story?
2. Who benefits from leaking this story at this time?

12:09 AM  
Blogger Stevie Z said...

The latest bit I heard (and will check more after watching Prince on Saturday Night Live) is that this was mentioned in a French intelligence report based upon an idle conversation in Pakistan between a Saudi and French diplomat and/or intelligence official.

As to who benefits, nobody really. The US is reacting cautiously and skeptically. The French stand to lose face if this report turns out to be false. The only possible benefactor would be Bin Ladin, once again showing the West to be a bunch of fools.

12:16 AM  

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