Wednesday, March 21, 2007

More on Specter & Santorum

I saw that JudiPhilly linked to my blog in her blog Truth, Justice, & Peace on my scenario where Santorum would end up as President. I admit- my scenario's a bit far-fetched, but still, possible.

What makes her blog entry interesting is the role Sen. Arlen Specter played in inserting a passage into the Patriot Act that allowed the White House to bypass the Senate confirmation process and permanently install US Attorneys without any oversight.

I haven't seen this reported anywhere. But yesterday the Senate did vote to rescind this provision, but it obviously is too late to do anything about the current situation.

Meanwhile, it is T+2 hours since the subcommittee voted to approve the issuance of subpoenas, and still no reaction from the White House. Rumors that Dubya went crack crazy and chased aides around with a Big Bertha golf club but was cornered in his office and shot with a Thorazine dart are at this point unconfirmed.....

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Blogger JudiPhilly said...

Thanks for the mention.

By the way -- my sources tell me that Cheney was holding the dart gun.

5:35 AM  

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