Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Screws Turn Tighter....

The Senate Judiciary Committee followed the House in authorizing subpoenas for Rove et al.

Of course, the White House is still ripshit, and today Gonzales, in St Louis, repeated that he is no going to resign, that the President can hire or fire US attorneys, and that was nothing illegal about the dismissal of the Gonzo 8.

There was an interesting thing in Tony Snow's press briefing yesterday. There were a number of questions about the 3000 pages of documents released by the White House. In the emails that were included, there is a curious gap of 18 days during which there were no emails.

I think Snow explained it off as saying this was the Thanksgiving holiday, but.... C'mon, it's email, and this was a major political machination.

The other interesting question was whether Rove had an email address at the RNC.

So now we have both the Senate and the House standing by with subpoenas at the ready. Given the arrogance of the Administration and the belief they're above the law, it looks like there will be a showdown.

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