Monday, January 30, 2006

And now the news...

Quick hits from the news...

In Palestine, the radical group Hamas, which has a long history of commiting acts of terrorism against Israel and their stated position is Israel's destruction, is now the ruling party after a democratic election. We now have an interesting situation where the US government's in a bit of a bind. It's been the stated goal to bring democracy to the Middle East- especially the Arab nations. Well, see what happened? The Arab people have spoken and they want the Jews driven into the Mediterranean.


The other day on page 2 of the Boston Globe there was a story about a high school athlete committing suicide. Tragic story. But on the same page there was also a story about a pod of dolphins beaching themselves and dying. Hmmmm....

The White House and GOP has been putting out stories about the President's new style of speaking and that (gasp!!) no longer is he only appearing before handpicked audiences. They say this like it's a good thing but I dunno- slumped over the podium giggling like a schoolgirl doesn't exactly inspire confidence... And we saw that same 'deer in the headlights' look he got on 9/11 the other day when he was asked about Brokeback Mountain.

And finally, while so many of us have been scraping to get by with the high cost of gas and heating oil, isn't it great to know that Exxon/Mobile, the world's largest oil company, just reported a record quarterly profit of $10.7 billion. That's just for the quarter, folks. For the year their profit is $36.13 billion on revenues of almost $100 billion.



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