Thursday, January 26, 2006

Numbers! We got numbers here!

So check it out. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released its forcast for the upcoming budgetary year. They have projected a budget deficit of.....$337 billion dollars and a total projected deficit of $1.3 trillion for the period of 2006-2010.

Just to give you a little more perspective, at the time Bush took office, the projected figure for this year was a SURPLUS of $269 billion.

Let me do the math for you. In other words, the GOP for the year has managed to piss away a total of $606 BILLION.

Words cannot express the unbridled amazement wrought by such numbers. The GOP, which hornswaggles people into believing it to be the party of fiscal responsibility, is running $606 billion over budget.

Yet you know they'll try to blame it on the Democrats, never mind that the GOP has had run of the entire show these past few years. Or they'll blame Katrina, which amounts for $50 billion of that figure. And how much was spent on Iraq this past year? $350 billion, give or take?

You see, this is why I become apoplectic whenever I get on the topic of the war in Iraq. Thanks to Bush's lies about Hussein, Al Qaeda, and WMDs, he has destroyed the economics of the United States. But hey, at least Halliburton is making money.

Oh, and in shades of the old Saturday Night Live 'Weekend Update' with Chevy Chase where each week he would announce "And in other news, General Francisco Franco is still dead" we had Dubya giving a press conference today still insisting the spying program was legal.

I'm thinking that he's hoping the old adage about if you tell a lie often enough people will begin to believe it's true will kick in. However, the press, which for most of his administration was playing the role of lapdog, has grown some cajones and they have been clamoring for blood. They're embarrassed that they were played for such fools and used as tools by a very corrupt administration.

And no, I am not afraid to use the word corrupt. We cannot get a straight answer out of those lying bastards on anything, including the fucking wording of the Fourth Amendment. There is no grey area in reciting the Fourth and if you plan on basing your justifications on it, you better fucking well have it down cold. I just wonder if they went to Uncle Sleazy's Book Discounters for their copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights- slightly remainded, only missing a few of the amendments.



Blogger Stephanie said...

i don't like numbers

5:02 PM  
Blogger Stevie Z said...

Yes, Bush's numbers are truly appalling. Now, granted, he's had a war and an ungodly number of hurricanes that are a suck on the treasury. But-- and huge but here-- he's been using the discredited "trickle-down economics" system favored by Reagan (and sneered at as "voodoo economics" by his then-opponent Bush Sr) cutting taxes while raising spending, counting on the economy revving up to make up the tax revenue shortfall.

Well, it didn't work during the Reagan years and it's not working now.

What's especially scary is that as the US economy and debt situation grows worse, China is growing stronger and I will say that within 20 years, China will be the leading power in the world.

And yes, with Powell I can't help but think of Othello, an honorable soldier manipulated by evil men into committing acts of evil.

9:42 AM  

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