Due to work, it's been almost a week since I've updated.
Oh, but what a week it's been. Attorney General Gonzales is a Dead Man Walking, with less credibility than, well, the Prodigal Idiot Son President. Turns out Gonzales was up to his nutsack in the firings of the Gonzo 8, despite his assertions that he had nothing to do with it.
But he didn't lie under oath so that makes it ok, apparently.
Meanwhile, the Democrats are pushing their advantage. The nation has grown weary of Dubya using the lives of US soldiers as pawns in some sort of pissing contest, but Dubya doesn't seem to give a flying fuck. He rehashes the same tired lies and refuses to deal with the reality of the situation in Iraq.
Same goes for McCain. He went over for a dog & pony show and attempted to demonstrate how safe this particular marketplace was. What McCain didn't tell the general public is that he was wearing couture by the House of Kevlar and was taking a stroll joined by a hundred or so armed to the teeth US soldiers, with a couple of helicopters and gunships overhead just for good measure. You know, just the way any ordinary Iraqi would walk about.
We keep getting told that we can't afford defeat. But if this is victory, can we really afford this? Our soldiers are continuing to be sacrificed for one reason and one reason only- because the President is too fucking stubborn to admit he made a mistake and take the honorable course. For all his lip service about respecting the military, he is committing the ultimate disrespect.
Harry Reid has had enough, and he's looking into cutting off funds for the war. Dubya's squawking, but fuck him. He's had 4 years and he's fucked it up at every turn. How many more chances does he want? How many more dead and mangled soldiers will it take to make him realize his folly?
The US recovered from Vietnam. We can recover from this. Get the hell out. Let the Iraqis sort out their problems. Or, hell, maybe the UN might be pursuaded to get involved again, 4+ years after Dubya told them to eat shit and howl at the moon. We are no more able to sort this mess out than Clinton was able to sort out Bosnia.
I'm tired. Too many years have been spent spitting out the same criticisms, yet things remain the same. If El Presidente had us on the right course and we could see progress in Iraq, that would be one thing. Yet each day brings more bombings and attacks and another 2-8 US soldiers killed. And why?
Labels: Bush, Gonzales, Gonzo 8, Iraq, McCain, Reid