Friday, October 06, 2006


I've got a break tonight from things so I thought I'd weigh in on Rep Mark Foley's Pagegate.

First off, I am thoroughly disgusted at those who think this is somehow funny or worthy of snark. At the core it is a story about a sick man who needs serious help.

I also find those who downplay this equally repugnant. While driving through St Louis on Tuesday I was surfing the radio looking for the Cardinals game and came across some talk show where the commentator was blaming the pages, saying they were egging Foley on and that these were not innocent children.

Whoever the fuck that asshat was needs to be dragged out behind a barn and sodomized repeatedly sans lube with an 18" black King Dong dildo.

I'm sure this same needledick was howling for Clinton's head over L'affaire de Lewinsky. Now there was someone on the record saying she was going to DC to get her "presidential kneepads". But let's move on.

It's the reaction to Foley's behavior that now becomes the story. There are rumors that the GOP leadership- and Speaker Hastert- knew of Foley's "indiscretions" over a year ago but covered it up. If that is the case, then Hastert not only needs to resign, but maybe even rung up on criminal charges as well.

See, up in Boston we've had several years of the very ugly Catholic pedophile priest scandals where a sizeable component was the covering up of the molestations. This isn't very different.

What is also important is that it blows the lid off the oft-repeated fiction that somehow it's only Democrats who engage in such things. The GOP has become the "holier than thou" party and, well, this blows that whole notion straight to hell.

Of course, the GOP is going to suffer for the Foley scandal. This may well be the straw that breaks the camel's back. The party- and El Presidente- have been taking a major beat-down lately over Iraq simply because as more facts come out, it is becoming increasingly clear to the public that either they've been lied to repeatedly or that those running things really are a bunch of clueless jodyfucks.

At this point it doesen't really matter- people have had enough and this scandal couldn't have come at a worse time for the GOP. Dubya's been barnstorming the country trying to counter the charges in Woodward's new book and his poll numbers were rebounding slightly. But last week it came out that Condee Rice dropped the ball on the 9/11 warnings and later lied about it. However, that got eclipsed by this whole Foley thing and the SS Dubya is taking on water and about to go under.

With only another 4 weeks or so to the midterm elections, the only hope for the GOP is to find the cure for anal warts and offering to spring for hookers for every male of legal voting age. Not bloody likely and the only hope for GOP incumbents is to toss El Presidente under the bus.

So let's see how many of them truly place party over personal ambition. Oh yeah, let's get a headcount on how many rats scurry off the ship. Anyone want to venture on the over/under?


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It's getting pretty fucking crowded under the bus.

My oh my. I hit the road for a few days and all hell breaks loose. I'm en route to Colorado for work and have limited internet access; just at night in my hotel. It seems a thing or two's been happening.

First off, I came across this amazing exchange of Fox between talking head Shep Smith and Bill Kristol, one of those Bush dick-sucking neocons from this group "Project for a New American Century".

Ok, now I reamed Fox a new one the other day but snaps to Shep Smith for taking Kristol out to the woodshed and putting a hollow-point .357 right into his fucking brain, and in the process also taking out the Prodigal Idiot Son President and exposing him as a no-balls poseur more concerned about politics than doing what's right.

If the stakes weren't so deadly, this would have made me giggle. {youtube video} Instead, it makes me ill that Smith is dead fucking on. This isn't about what's right or wrong or best for our country, it's about the election and retaining power.

You can bet Karl Rove had a stroke watching this. All Fat Boy's carefully-laid plans just got blown to hell by an insider. I can't wait to hear how they now try to smear Smith.

And I want to see how the mothers and fathers of those who are serving in Iraq will react when they realize how El Presidente is using with their children's lives as a political tool.

By the way, Baghdad's been under a near-constant curfew for almost a week now and they're still blowing things up and killing people. Yes sir, Mr President- mission accomplished!

Oh yes, only one more month until the election.

And in the main event, Condee Rice has now also been tossed under the bus in Bob Woodward's new book. According to Woodward, on July 10 2001 George Tenet warned Rice that an Al Qaeda attack inside the US was imminent.

Rice says she can't recall ever having been told this. However, Cofer Black, the then CIA's top counterterror officer, was also present and backs Tenet's story.

But it gets better. Oh yes it does. John Ashcroft, who was Attorney General, is now openly voicing his... unhappiness... that neither Tenet nor Rice told him about this, given that at the time, domestic anti-terrorism fell under his purview.

Good goddamn, the only person not tossed under the bus is Dick Cheney. It will ultimately be very hysterical if he's the only one to survive this whole mess. Then again, he's so wily and evil, it wouldn't surprise me if this is precisely how he planned this all along.
