Friday, September 29, 2006

Well, this explains a lot

According to Bob Woodward, renowned war criminal Henry Kissinger has been advising El Presidente on Iraq.

Kissinger, for those of you too young to remember, was the chief architect of Nixon's war policy in Vietnam and included such niceties as dropping napalm on villages, "secret" bombing campaigns in Laos and Cambodia, and assorted and sundry other pleasantries.

Over the years, Kissinger has been despised for his role, but now with the Bushies, he sees a chance at redemption. He's always maintained that the US lost Vietnam because as a country we lost our will, showing he just doesn't get it. We lost because we invaded a country in which we had no business. We did not enjoy support of the population and in fact did everything we fucking could to destroy their country, which included bombing it flat, raping and killing civilians, blah blah blah.

I'm kicking myself because all along- since word of the invasion first got out- I've been saying that Iraq would become another Vietnam. How the fuck could I have possibly missed that Kissinger would crawl out from under his rock to stick his blood-covered hands into yet another mess? Jesus, I am losing my touch here.

Meanwhile, so much shit is happening that it's impossible to stay on top of it all. There's still fallout from Clinton tearing Chris Wallace a new asshole and pointing out the obvious fucking truth that Fox News isn't so much a news outlet as it is an unabashed GOP dick-sucking machine and cesspool of mindless celebrity coverage. If I want to know the latest GOP propaganda or find our the salacious details on Paris Hilton's newest escape, I will tune into Fox. But for serious news? Please....

We've also had Bush partially release the National Intelligence Estimate which paints the war in Iraq as having made us less secure by creating more terrorists and providing them with battlefield training against top US troops, which sure beats the old days of them having fake skirmishes in some stinkin' Afghan desert.

Condee Rice has been whinging about how the Bush Administration did do something before 9/11, although modesty precludes her from saying exactly what they did.

El Presidente has gone on the warpath at various GOP fundraisers, calling the Democrats defeatists and accuses them of offering nothing more than obstruction and second-guessing. Well guess what, you craven idiot, that's all they can do since they're not in charge.

And this is the real kicker- several retired US Generals are now openly speaking out against the war in Iraq and its conduct and some Bush apologist blamed the lack of a war for post-war Iraq on General Colin Powell, saying he gave Dubya bad advise.

Jesus, is there no limit to how low these treasonous scum-sucking motherfuckers will sink? Apparently not.

The other night I went to a Red Sox game with my best friend and his folks. As we walked into Fenway and were making our way through the claustrophic concourse, a phalynx of State Police were coming the other way, clearing a path. Behind them were 80 or so Congressional Medal of Honor winners, there at the park that night to be honored. Before the game started, they were introduced and they received a standing ovation. I applauded as well.

I reflected upon this. These were not generals or presidents. These were ordinary men who, in the most trying circumstances imaginable, reacted with courage and valor. They did not choose the war. They served and served with the greatest of honor.

I compare and contrast that with those who have led us into war- Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, and now also apparently Kissinger. Theirs is a moral void so huge as to be staggering. They took an oath to protect and defend our country and the Constitution, yet have managed to destroy it. We are not safer because of their actions- quite the contrary. We are not freer.

Osama Bin Ladin knew full well that the value of the 9/11 attack wouldn't just be the shock of the actual attack, but the aftereffects. We have gone crazed and fascist, flinching at every shadow, irrationally lashing out, and now actively seeking the advice of a war criminal who should have been strung up by his heels like Mussolini.

And yet it is we, the Democrats, who are wrong.

Remember that on election day.


We Are Officially A Nation Of Sick Sadistic Fucks

I just want to take my hat off to the spineless and craven fucks in the House and Senate who tossed off any vestige of humanity and officially approved institutionalized savagery by handing the Bush Administration a victory in their fight to allow the use of torture.

We now join the ranks of Saddam Hussein's Iraq, the Soviet gulag, Idi Amin, and both Baby & Papa Doc Duvalier among others as those who also approved and practiced torture.

The next time we hear of an American soldier being brutalized and then murdered, please, I don't want to hear any official outrage. I don't want to hear how this was an act of savagery committed by barbarians, knowing full well that just as bad if not worse is committed by those acting in the name of and with the full approval of the US government.

This is one of the saddest and sorriest days in our country's history, and if you aren't feeling a sense of shame about this, well, you need help.

Torture is wrong, period.

The rape of our country is almost complete. A few shreds of the Constitution remain, but they now have 2+ years to take care of that, putting an end to this little 200+ year experiment.

Now excuse me- I think I have to go puke.


Sunday, September 24, 2006


This Bin Ladin might be dead thing isn't huge news because CNN is running Larry King and on Fox they're whinging about the Duke lacrosse rape case.

This doesn't bode well for El Presidente and the GOP if the possible death of Public Enemy #1 can't even knock a sordid little rape case off the news.
